We make creating your
new company easy
ASIC registered from $635
(inc ASIC fee of $576)
QuickStart Company Registration >
We check company names, trademarks and domain names to make sure your name is available
We take you through the paperwork step-by-step
We file everything for you and email you everything you need to get started with your new company
Not sure about your company name?
Why choose LegalNow
- We check your company name against trademarks and domain names to help avoid potential legal liability
- We take a wider view of your business than just company registration
- ASIC Registered Agent 33883
- ASIC Software Registered 2066
What is the difference between registering a company and registering a business name?
A trading name or business name is a name that a business uses for trading commercial goods or services. Business names must be owned by a legal entity, such as an individual or a company.
Only registering a company creates a separate legal entity. In addition a company is entitled to certain privileges such as the corporate tax rate and limited liability.
What is the difference between an ACN and an ABN?
When you register your company you will be issued with a unique Australian Company Number (ACN) 9-digits long.
An Australian Business Number (ABN) is 11-digits long and used when dealing with the goods and services tax (GST) system and must be presented on your invoices to make them 'tax invoices'.
After registering a company, do I have rights to the name?
Registering a company or business name does not give you ownership of the name or the exclusive right to use the name. In particular, it does not stop another person from registering a similar name and does not protect you from legal action if the name of your business infringes the intellectual property rights of others.
To obtain this type of protection you must also register a trademark for your business or company name for the goods and/or services your business is providing.
What is a Proprietary or Proprietary Limited (PTY LTD) company?
If the liability of the members is unlimited the company will end with the words PROPRIETARY or PTY.
If the liability of the members is limited the company name will end with the words PROPRIETARY LIMITED or PTY LTD.
Tips for picking a company name
You can only use a company name that is not already registered to a company or a business.
Your name cannot include words such as "building society", "trust", "university", "chamber of commerce" or "chartered" without prior approval from the relevant minister or government agency. In addition you cannot use words that are considered offensive, suggest illegal activity, or suggesting a misleading connection with government or the royal family
Branding tip: Even if you have successfully chosen and/or registered a unique company name you have no guarantee that your name isn't confusingly similar to an existing trademark. If you need the added certainty you submit an official trademark search request through our site to obtain the opinion of an official Australian government trademark examiner.
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